A conversation with Anie Delgado
What is your goal as an artist?
Write songs that make people feel.
What is a typical day in your life as a musician?
Being an indie artist can look very different from day to day. Sometimes I am in the studio, other days I'm filming content or a music video. Somedays I am at my desk answering emails. That's what keeps it fun!
What do you think of AI in music? Will it change the way we make or listen to music?
I do think we need to be careful because as far as I understand, AI doesn't know boundaries and there's a big IP issue potentially. I do think it's a cool way to expand your vocabulary as a songwriter. Sometimes I'll use it to find different ways to say things. I would never personally write a song with AI though. It doesn't feel real.
If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why? How do you think that collaboration would shape your music?
Taylor Swift because I've listened to her since I was a little girl and she is such a master songwriter I think it would level up my own songwriting. She's already shaped me so much as a songqwriter and my other peers I think I would learn so much. I feel like she knows songwriting so well that she knows when to break the rules as well.
If you could describe your musical journey in a single lyric from one of your songs, which one would it be and why?
"tell me what we got to lose we made it this far" - I wrote Cloud9 about imposter sydrome really at the very start of my career. This line is a nice mantra. It says "we've made it here, who's to say we can't make it a step further." I think taking things day by day in baby steps as an indie artist is important.
What made you become an artist? How did you start?
I started writing songs in my room. I was a kind of busy kid in a lot of activities but every night my favorite part of the day was going to my music room and writing. That and seeing Lindsay Lohan look super cool in Freaky Friday as an artist. I wanted to be like her and Taylor Swift when I was younger.
You’re working on a new EP. How does “Stranger from the Internet” fit into the larger narrative of the EP, and what can fans expect from your new music?
Stranger from the Internet is actually a stand alone record, but you'll see it pop up again sometime soon. The EP itself is a little bit of a departure from my previous songs. It's a dark pop record about the highs and lows of being hopeless. A hopeless romantic that is.
Tell us about the last EP or single you've discovered and listened to. What was it like?
My current obsession is Brat. It's equal parts deep and a party record. It's really inspiring me right now.